Art & Design

Art and design is a fundamental part of The National Curriculum aiming to develop children’s skills in art alongside the knowledge of a range of artists. Here at Black Firs Primary School, we aim to provide children with a broad and balanced art curriculum by developing a range of skills and knowledge in a range of techniques. We understand that art is often one of the first ways in which children are able communicate their needs and thoughts thus providing children with the foundations for art skills to be built on.

A recognisable structure for the teaching of art and design is essential and should provide logical and sequential activities which grow more complex as they build upon previous experiences.’ (Cheshire Art Policy ‘97)

Here at Black Firs, we are concerned with the process within art as the skills base and understanding is just as significant as the end outcome. We use the ideas and interpretation of artists to explore and develop the artistic skills of the children. These skills are divided into seven strands which are evident from the Early Years curriculum through to Key Stage 2, gradually encouraging the children to develop previous skills and progress the skills to a deeper level.

We ensure that the children are provided with a variety of quality materials and resources to allow them with the opportunity to explore skills appropriately and produce a quality outcome.

Please click on the icon below to view the subject policy.

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