Our Stay and Play sessions are held on a Tuesday morning between 10.30am and 11.30am.

These sessions are a great opportunity for our 'soon to be' Preschoolers to get to know our team and setting ahead of joining us. These sessions run every Tuesday during term time. Our term dates can be viewed here: https://black-firs-primary-school.schudio.com/termdates

If you have any questions about these sessions please email Mrs Harrison at jenharrison@black-firs.co.uk

Government funding

Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE)

Children become eligible for the FEEE the term after they have celebrated their 3rd birthday, although there are also date restrictions which are as follows:-

- Children born between 1st January and 31st March can start in April (Summer Term)

- Children born between 1st April and 31st August can start in September (Autumn Term)

- Children born between 1st September and 31st December can start in January (Spring Term).

This entitles 3 and 4 year olds to 15 hours of free childcare. These hours may all be taken at one setting or split between settings, as long as the total claimed does not exceed 15 hours. The maximum number of hours we can claim on your behalf is detailed below:

on 1 day = 10 hours

over 2 days = 15 hours

Our sessions are timed as follows:

morning session = 3 hours

lunch = ¾ hour

afternoon session = 2 hours 35 mins

We will ask you to sign Cheshire East Council forms each term to confirm how many hours you will claim with us. The Grant is set by the Government and Cheshire East Council ensures that we follow all regulations.

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