Admissions to School

In Year Admissions

For applications for school places ‘in year’, that is for admission after the first day of the School year into any year group, please contact the School Office to arrange a visit and complete an in-year admission form online here. This does not include applications being made for admission to the new Reception class for September admission.

September Admissions for Reception Class

To apply for a place at Black Firs to start in the Reception Class in September, please read our Admissions Policy below for the relevant year of admission. You will need to apply on the Cheshire East Admissions website as they coordinate our September admissions. There are three numbered choices on the application form but these are all treated as equal preferences. Parents can express a  preference for a our School but we would advise that you use the explanation box on the form to explain why you want Black Firs in particular. Use the information in the online prospectus to inform your comment.

Further information is available from the Cheshire East website

School Admissions can also be contacted by emailing  or by phone Tel: 0300 123 5012  or  Fax: 01270 686491; by post - School Admissions, Floor 7, c/o Municipal Buildings,  Earle Street, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 2BJ

School admissions policies for each year are at the bottom of this page

Secondary Transfer
There are two high schools in Congleton.
Congleton High School                                                   
Headteacher: Mr. J Barlow

Box Lane, CW12 4NS

Tel: (01260) 730123​

Eaton Bank Academy

Headteacher: Mr. E O'Neil

Jackson Road, CW12 1NT
Tel: (01260) 273000

Parents have to express a preference for a particular high school.  Black Firs children will have an automatic place at Congleton High because they attend Black Firs - a feeder primary school. So our year six children will normally transfer to Congleton High School, so long as parents show Congleton as their first preference. During your child's final year, year 6, you will be informed how to apply to Cheshire East Admissions. The application is best made online by the due date; usually the end of October the year before admission. You will then be contacted in March by your first preference school offering a place for the following September.

Black Firs and Congleton High have forged a strong link together over the years which has developed into us joining into a multi-academy trust together. This close relationship means that we share a wide range of resources. Congleton High staff visit Black Firs to get to know the children, and our children visit Congleton High regularly and so are familiar with the school and its organisation. This liaison enables the transfer to take place happily and with as little a break in continuity as possible.

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Updated: 01/12/2023 260 KB