
To participate confidently in public, cultural and working life, children need to be able to speak, read and write Standard English fluently and accurately. Children must be enabled to become enthusiastic, responsive and knowledgeable readers.


To ensure that:

  • a broad range of speaking and listening activities appropriate to the age and ability of the child is provided;
  • each child is encouraged to develop their own speaking and listening skills to communicate effectively;
  • a broad range of reading activities and materials are available enabling each child to learn at their own level;
  • the reading focus is widened beyond basic reading skills and that higher order skills are developed;
  • to provide opportunities to develop skills connected to presentation - accurate punctuation, correct spelling and legible handwriting;
  • to provide opportunities to develop drama and role play;  
  • through a variety of activities and experiences children acquire writing skills which include developing ideas, increasing vocabulary and organising and structuring sentences.
  • each child has the opportunity to develop English skills through the use of ICT.

Please click on the icons below to view the subject policies.

Writing Policy, Phonics & Early Reading Subject Policy

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